What things do you enjoy today that you enjoyed doing as a child? Describe then then and now.
When I first read this, I thought it would be really hard to think of things that I liked to do both as a child and as an adult! Ha ha but the more I thought about it, the more I came up with. :0)
Playing in the dirt. As a kid, I loved to make all sorts of mud pies and dirt concoctions, and now I am learning how to garden and work the soil in a whole different way!
Swimming. I used to spend hours upon hours playing in the water at pools, lakes, and beaches. My parents practically had to drag me away from it! Now, aside from having to wear a swimsuit, I still love playing in the water. It's so relaxing and cool and peaceful. And now I can even scuba dive, which is awesome in and of itself!!
Reading. I have always loved to read, and I still do. Ha ha I wish I had a little more time to read, but I treasure the time I do have for it! Give me a good mystery novel and glass of wine, and I am one happy girl!
Coloring. Ha ha I wish I could say that childhood love of crayons led to some sort of painting skills...but I can't. I can't even claim to stay in the lines, but I do love coloring in exactly the same way I did as a kid! I can actually last longer than Jay when it comes to coloring time. :0)
Spending time with animals. I have always loved animals, and I still do. I am beyond thrilled that we can have chickens in our new yard, and when Jay wanted a bunny for Christmas it was a very easy sell for Santa! The Hubbs and I have a dream to own land. He wants to get out and away...but I want more room for animals (and a big garden!) Think horses, mini cows, and pigs oh my!
Springtime. Although adulthood has brought an appreciation for the other seasons, there is still something absolutely magical about springtime in Texas! I just love it!! Perfectly blue skies as far as the eye can see above pristine green grass and trees topped off with bright sunshine and a warm breeze. Ha ha by the time the wildflowers make it out I am in full swoon mode. I l.o.v.e. it!!
Playing in streams. There is something undeniable tempting about a trickling stream. :0) They sound as beautiful as they look! As a kid, I loved to catch tad poles and throw rocks into streams. Now I settle for rolling up my pants and strolling through the cool water. When we go to visit my family in Colorado, I love to find one of the mountain streams to play in! The icy cold water makes them even more fun..unless you accidentally slip and fall in.
Baking. As a child I loved to help my mom or grandma bake things. I loved licking the bowl, and tasting the warm goodies right out of the oven. Ha ha as an adult I still love those things, but I also love experimenting and coming up with new recipes. Watching Jay "help" me cook makes it even more fun!
Ha ha I am sure there are more things. I guess in the grand scheme of things I haven't really changed all that much huh!? So what about you? What do you enjoy now that you enjoyed as a kiddo?

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