Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journal Jar Tuesday #12

Welcome to the 12th Journal Jar Tuesday!  Today's entry might be more like the crazy ramblings of a sleep deprived momma, so forgive me if I get too random!  Spring is wonderful and great...but the allergies and asthma it brings have been keeping me up at night. 
Anywho, here is today's prompt:

Describe "how to live successfully".

Ha ha ha when Jay handed me this all I could do was laugh!  Seriously.  I wish a had a magical answer to this question, but honestly I am not anywhere near qualified to begin to answer it!!  In fact, this was supposed to be my prompt for last week's Journal Jar Tuesday, but I put it off for a week so that I could try to think of something ingenious to say...and I still haven't thought of anything.  But here are some things that I think are pretty wise: 

God gave us different strengths for a reason, so take advantage of that fact!  Don't be jealous of the person that can do something you can't!  If your bestie can sew like nobody's business, ask her to teach you how, or better yet, trade something you are good at for her sewing skills.  Maybe you can bake cupcakes for her kiddo's school party, or keep her family supplied with veggies from your garden, be creative, and it'll be a win win situation for both of you!  We aren't supposed to be good at everything!  Businesses always stress the importance of networking, but I believe that we should use it in our personal lives too.  :0)  Search within your network of family and friends when you need help, and you will be amazed at what can be accomplished! 

You are what you eat!  People have said this for ages, and with good reason.  Pay attention to where your food comes from and to what has been done to it!!  I don't want to get on my soap box, but I will say that companies like Monsanto are ruining our food supply.  (If you don't know what I'm talking about, just do a google search for Monsanto or for Bt Corn. Scary stuff!)  Make wise food choices!  Buy organic when you can, and work to find places to buy local produce.  Your body will thank you!  :0)

Try to take something positive away from every situation, no matter how bad that situation may seem!  One of the sweet ladies at church told me this, and I think it is excellent advice!  It is easy to do when you have had a wonderful experience, but try to focus on finding something good to take away from even the worst of situations.  It is pretty tough to do sometimes, but I have found that it brings me a lot of peace!

Challenge yourself!!  It is easy to sit back and always stay in your comfort zone, but make it a point to challenge yourself, and to force yourself out of your comfort zone.  You'll be thankful that you did!  I hate getting up to talk in front of people, but I have done several programs for my women's group at church.  The first few were admittedly pretty shaky, but I have come a long way.  I feel more confident speaking to small groups now, and my programs have brought me closer to the ladies in my group.  Am I ready to take on a public speech!?  Definitely not!  But I am happy with the confidence I have gained, and I am definitely glad that I forced myself (literally) to face my fear head on!  :0)

Read Read and Read some more!  I love to read, and I always have.  I firmly believe that it is good for your soul, as well as your mind.  I love to read books, but now there are SO many other ways to read!  You can carry around your IPad, Nook, or Kindle, listen to an audio book in your car or while you jog, and even receive little snippets from a book each day in your email.  Take advantage of those things, and read your heart out!  :0)  Make sure that your kids see you read too!  They just might follow your lead and pick up a book of their own to read.

So, what about you?  Do you have any advice to live by?  I would love to hear it!  :0)

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