Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Cheep Cheeps Are Now Cluckers!

Those sweet little chicky cheeps are now pretty much a thing of the past for our girls!  They are practically full grown.  :0)  With that said, this is probably the last weekly update I will do for them.  Ha ha because they just don't change much from week to week anymore!  Now all I have to do is wait for those first magical eggs to appear!!  Anyhow, without further adieu:

One morning, Jay caught Blackie out of their indoor cage!  She had apparently flown up and over the chicken wire...which means no more inside time for these girls!  (I can't very well have chickens running lose in the house, yuck!)

Red and Blackie:
We always end up taking these pictures at night, and they never do Blackie's coloring justice!  She really is a very pretty bird!  She has striking black and white striations.  She and Red still seem to be the queens of the coop, but we still can't tell which one will dominate!    

Miss Cleo:
 Cleo is really pretty too!  Ha ha but she is starting to get these little tufts of feathers on either side of her head that really fluff out when she gets upset.  It's pretty hilarious!  I can hardly wait to see her colored eggs!  :0)

The Twinkies:
Flopsy and Mopsy still have a little bit of baby fuzz left on them, but Mopsy was the first of our girls to start actually clucking!  When The Hubbs picks her up, she gets quite upset and clucks at him like nobodies business!  The Twinkies still get along the best with Fred, and they will actually let him preen and groom them.  It is pretty funny to watch! 

Fred Duck:
Ha ha Fred still has some growing to do, so I'll still try to take weekly pictures of him.  He is super cute!!  He follows us around cheeping loudly when we let him out of the chicken run.  We got the roosting poles put into the run this week, and poor Fred just couldn't figure out what the chickens were so excited about! 
I still can't believe how fast they have grown!!  We have had a lot of fun with them though!  We have (finally) managed to finish their chicken run, and now all we have to do is finish the coop.  I will be sure to put up some pictures of them both when we get them done.  :0)  For now, the girls are staying in the run with a makeshift shelter, but they really love it!  (And I love that they are no longer in our sun room!!)

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