Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Journal Jar Tuesday #14

Welcome to the 14th Journal Jar Tuesday!  If you have missed a previous week, or are just wondering what this whole thing is about, you can go to the Journal Jar Tuesdays tab at the top of my blog.  It really is a lot of fun, and I would love for you to begin your own adventure in journaling!  Today's prompt is:

What is your favorite area in nature?

I don't think I can claim any one area of nature as my favorite...in fact it might be easier to list the things I don't like (like caves, mosquitoes, snakes, bats, flying stinging things, and extreme heat.)  As far as nature goes, if there is beauty in it, I generally like it! 
I love going to visit family in Colorado where there are glorious mountain ranges in every direction.  The air is cool and crisp, and there are little bubbling mountain streams galore.  I love the way the wind whooshes through the pine trees, and the way the aspen leaves slimmer in the sunlight.  
When The Hubbs and I were on our honeymoon in Italy, I fell in love with the hills of Tuscany too.  They are like a patchwork of nature.  There are neatly arranged vineyards, and olive tree groves, but there are also untamed areas of land that are more rugged and earthy.  The roads wind through the hills and valleys and the views literally took my breath away.  Even the air smelled earthy and sweet.  Ha ha I can completely understand why so many people dream of living there!
But I am always glad to be welcomed back home by the wide open plains of Texas!  I love the blue skies as far as the eye can see, and being able to watch a rain storm slowly make its way towards you from across a field.  On a hot summer day, nothing beats the shade from a towering pecan tree and a slow summer breeze.  I love that when it snows in Texas, everything shuts down.  Snow in Texas, is truly magical, and it never stays around long enough to turn all yucky and dirty.  And then there is springtime in Texas...and it just doesn't get any better than that!  Springtime in Texas is magical!  There are bright blue skies, vibrant green grass, warm breezes, and beautiful flowers to perfume the air.  No matter where life takes me, a part of my heart will always be in Texas.  :0) 
I also love the ocean!  The power of the waves is utterly amazing to me, and I love diving beneath the waves to witness a whole different world from the one we live in.  The way the sun dances above you and filters down to show you glimpses of breathtakingly beautiful colors just sends thrills up my spine.  
I used to say that Spring was my favorite season, but I can't even say that anymore!  I have found reasons to love all of the seasons.  I love the crisp air and vibrant warm colors of Fall.  I love the serene peace and quiet of Winter, and the playful spirit of Summer.  Each season brings new things to celebrate and enjoy.  Each season, I find more and more reminders of just how amazing God is, and of how very lucky we are to be surrounded by such beauty!   

I could go on and on, but I think it is safe to say, that I have no problem finding things that I love in nature!  Which is probably a good thing since I married an Eagle Scout and will soon be the mother of a Cub Scout...  In fact, we have plans to take Jay camping for the first time this year, so that will be really fun!!  Anywho, what about you?  What do you love in nature?  What are the things that take your breath away?        

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