Meet the newest member of our flock: Fred
Isn't he cute!?
We went to visit my grandparents this weekend, and Granddad sent home this little duckling with Jay. We tried to get Jay to name him (or her) Lucky, but he wanted to name him Fred! Ha ha so now, we just have to hope that Fred is in fact a Fred, and not a Fredericka. :0)
We are going to raise Fred with the chickens, and so far they are getting along great!
Last night The Hubbs decided to put Fred into the bathtub with Jay. And after I stopped freaking out because there was a duck in the was pretty cute!
(Don't worry, our bathtub has been bleached back into the realm of cleanliness again!!) :0)
Anywho, Fred is about a week and a half old, and is a Pekin duck. So when he grows up, he'll be solid white, like Donald Duck. Fun Fun!

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