I saw this adorable crayon holder a few months back, and have been saving things to make my own version of one ever since! It is so cute!! And I thought it would be the perfect craft for Earth Day!
I used juice containers from The Hubbs' favorite juice:
Then I used a board left over from the chicken run, it is a 1x2, and it was just long enough for me to fit all of my juice containers on! I also used brown spray paint for the board, brushed nickel spray paint for the juice containers, screws to attach the juice containers to the board, construction paper to wrap around the containers, and modge podge to coat the construction paper. It was pretty darn easy! And I used things that I had on hand, so this project didn't cost me a dime! Here is the finished product:
Jay l.o.v.e.s. it!! We have already spent several hours sorting and sharpening all of his pencils. :0) He has been a coloring fool ever since we got it finished! And the best part is that Jay has been putting all of his pencils back without me having to nag him at all! It is fabulous!!
I am still saving containers to make another holder for crayons and one for markers! Ha ha hopefully by the time we get the bookcase built for the sun room, I will have them finished.

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