Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trash to Treasure

The previous home owner left a lot of things in our house when we bought it--which is a really good thing in my book!  I have had so much fun going through the things in the house...and I haven't even gotten to the garage or storage shed yet.  The sun room painting room had this poor coffee table in it:

I am not sure what you would call this paint technique...but it was pretty terrible! 

The Hubbs thought we should just toss it!  My original plan was to paint it and use it as a coffee table in the sun room--if we ever stop using it to as our painting room.  But after I painted it, it looks like a completely different table!  I tried using it in our living room, but the style is just way too modern and sleek for us.  So I am going to sell it on craigslist, but I just had to share it with you guys first:

(Again, please excuse the crummy pictures, I had to take them with my cellphone)

I can't believe how much better it looks!  I love the chrome spray paint I used on the legs, and the semi gloss black paint gives it such a nice sheen.  These pictures just don't do it justice!  And the best part is that it did not cost me one single penny to do!!  I used leftover paint from other projects.  :0)  Woohoo!!

I am participating in Transformation Thursdays over at The Shabby Chic Cottage, so be sure to go check it out!  There are SO many awesome project ideas... 


  1. Wow that paint technique truly was ghastly! Good thing you got to it!
    It looks great!

  2. That looks great. I love major transrformations like that. I bet the hub likes it now.
