Friday, October 15, 2010

Microwave Popcorn

Let me just begin by saying I absolutely LOVE popcorn!  Jay and I, in all seriousness, eat it several times a week.  But with an active two year old, dragging out an air popper was just too much hassle, so we started using microwave popcorn instead.  But microwave popcorn is far from healthy, and is full of all sorts of additives and extra fat...all of which we could definitely do without!  So what's a busy momma to do!? 
Make your own microwave popcorn!!  It is easier than you'd think, and less expensive than the store bought stuff!  I also love being able to make custom flavors like parmesan or cajun popcorn.

Here's what you need:
Popcorn kernals
oil or butter
brown paper lunch bag

Here's what you do:
Put popcorn kernals into the paper lunch bag.  I just eyeball it, but I use from 1/8 to 1/4 cup for Jay and I.  Salt the kernals to taste.  Put a small amount, about 1/2 a teaspoon, of olive oil in the bag with the kernals and shake it up to coat all of the kernals.  (You can also use butter.  Just cut it into smaller pieces and don't just use one big ole clump of butter)  If you want to add parmesan cheese or another seasoning, add it to the bag.  We use about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, but you can add more of less to suit your taste.

Place the bag on a microwave safe plate and put it into the microwave.  Ours takes about three minutes to pop, but yours may take more or less time depending on your microwave.  When the popping slows down and there are several seconds between pops, your popcorn is done. 

Remove it from the microwave and let it cool for a few seconds.  Taste the popcorn and add salt if needed.  I love the fact that the paper bag soaks up any excess oil or butter so your popcorn is never soggy or gross from it.  I serve ours in a really great vintage bowl from my Grandma's house.  :0)

If you love popcorn, try this, you won't be disappointed!  It makes afternoon snacks or movie nights extra special. 

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