Sunday, October 17, 2010

'H' is for Helicopter

Aren't giraffes cute!?  I hope you guys had fun learning about them and learning the letter 'G!'  Be sure to use the emotions chart you made last week to talk about how you feel this week.  :0)

This Week We Will Cover:
The letter 'H'
'H' is for Helicopters
The color White
The number 8

Monday:  The letter 'H'
-color a letter 'H' coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, this, this, and this
-have your kiddo trace the letter 'H' on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-go through the letter 'H' section of starfall
-make a set of letter 'H' memory cards (one with the letter 'H' on it, and the other with a picture of a helicopter on it)
-talk about the letter 'H' and the sounds it can make
-do this letter 'H' worksheet
-make a hand print letter 'H' (trace your kiddos hands and cut them out.  Cut out a letter 'H' from construction paper and glue the hands to it)
-sing your ABC's

Tuesday:  'H' is for Helicopter
-color a Helicopter coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this and this
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-talk about helicopters and what they do (rescue people, transport things, carry things, etc)
-pretend to be helicopters (hold your arms out and run around your house or yard making helicopter noises.  You can even stop and pretend to rescue people)
-work this fun online Helicopter Puzzle
-make this cute Helicopter toy (but use a hot glue gun if you have one--the regular glue would take forever to dry!)

Wednesday:  Fun Day
-we are going to go to a park close to a local Helicopter manufacturing plant to watch helicopters fly, but you can:
     watch a movie with Helicopters in it
     go to a park and pretend to be helicopters flying around
     go on a letter 'H' scavenger hunt (look for things that start with the letter 'H' like hand,
     head,house, horse, hay, Halloween, etc)
-Play the How am I Feeling Game (make different faces and have your kiddo decide what emotion you are expressing)   

Thursday:  The Number 8
-color a number 8 coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, this, this, and this
-have your kiddo trace the number 8 on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-make a set of number 8 memory cards (one with the number 8 on it, and the other with 8 stickers on it)
-Domino Search (look through a set of dominoes for the dominoes that have eight dots on them, the double 4, the 6 and 2, the 5 and 3 etc.  While you have the dominoes out, make a letter 'H' out of them, and you can even make an 8 too!)
-make a number 8 musical shaker (decorate a jar, and Easter egg, or some other small container.  Fill it with 8 beans or pieces of pasta.  Glue it closed and shake away.  Jay loves this Shaky Egg song.)

Friday:  The Color White
-talk about the color white
-look around your house or yard for things that are white (milk, paper, marshmallows, sheets, bathtub, etc)
-make a salt painting (mix salt into white paint. Use a paint brush to paint it onto black construction paper. You can paint a lamb, trace your hand, try to draw a helicopter etc. When the paint dries it has a fun texture from the salt and sometimes it will even kind of sparkle)
-read a book about emotions like this one

I hope you have fun this week learning the letter 'H!'  If you have missed a previous week, you can find it here, or just click on the ABC Lessons tab from the top of my blog.  Next week, we will learn 'I' is for Ice Cream!!  Yummy!! 

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