Sunday, October 10, 2010

'G' is for Giraffe

After last week's sirens and flashing lights, I bet that you're more than ready for something quiet!!  Well, you can breathe a sigh of relief...because this week is all about Giraffes.

This Week We Will Cover:
The letter 'G'
'G' is for Giraffes
The color White
The Number 7

Monday:  The letter 'G'
-color a letter 'G' coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, this, this, and this
-have your kiddo trace the letter 'G' on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-make a set of letter 'G' memory cards (one with a letter 'G' on it, and the other with a picture of a Giraffe on it)
-go through the letter 'G' section of starfall
-Glitter 'G' craft (cut a letter 'G' shape out of cardboard.  Use a paintbrush to paint white glue all over the letter 'G.'  Sprinkle glitter all over the letter 'G.'  Your kiddo will have the most fun if your glitter is in some sort of shaker, so use an old spice bottle or just buy glitter that comes with a shaker lid!)  
-talk about the letter 'G' and the sounds it makes
-make this fun little 'G' book
-sing your ABC's

Tuesday:  'G' is for Giraffe
-color a giraffe coloring page
-while coloring, watch this, and this
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-talk about giraffes with the fun facts here
-work this fun online Giraffe puzzle
-read this fun online book, Georgina the Giraffe
-make a giraffe mask (the directions say to use foam, but you can just use construction paper)
-read a book with giraffes in it (like a zoo or Noah's Ark book)

Wednesday:  Fun Day
Here are a few ideas for today:
-go to the zoo to check out Giraffes in person
-go to a drive through animal refuge where you can feed Giraffes from your car
-take a trip to the Grocery store to shop for things that start with 'G' (grapes, green beans, Gatorade, gummy bears, etc)
-wear your Giraffe mask and go play outside in the Green Grass.  You can even have a picnic while you're out there!
-make an emotions chart (write "Today I Feel" at the top of a piece of construction paper.  Underneath the title, draw smiley faces with different emotions--happy, sad, sleepy, angry, scared, etc.  Talk about the emotions and about what might make you feel them)

Thursday:  The Number 7
-color a Number 7 coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, this, this, this, and this
-Have your kiddo trace the Number 7 on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-make a set of Number 7 memory cards (one with the Number 7 on it, and the other with seven stickers on it)
-play the count to 7 game (use just the number cards 1-7 from your memory card set.  Lay the number cards out on the floor randomly--not in order.  Work with your kiddo to arrange them in order from 1 to 7)
-Talk about the 7 days of the week.  Count the days on a calendar
-read a counting book and spend extra time on the Number 7
-point out how you are feeling on the Emotions Chart you made yesterday
-sing If You're Happy and You Know it

Friday:  Rectangles
-color a Rectangle coloring page
-while coloring, watch this, and this
-glue your coloring page to a piece of white construction paper and hang it on the wall
-talk about Rectangles (the have four sides:  two long and two short)
-go on a scavenger hunt through your house to find things that are rectangles (cereal boxes, dresser drawers, microwaves, doors, beds, telephones, etc)
-find the Rectangles in this fun online game
-color this fun Rectangle worksheet
-make a Feelings Collage (cut faces with different emotions on them out of magazines and glue them to a piece of construction paper.  Talk about different feelings, and point out a face from your collage that shows that emotion)

I hope you had lots of fun learning the letter 'G' this week!  If you have missed any of the previous weeks, you can find them here.  And please check back next Sunday for 'H' is for Helicopter! 

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