Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Cheep Cheeps are 1 week old!

Our little chickens are already a week old!  I am very thankful that we have made it a whole week, and we still have all 5 girls.  Ha ha because with a 3 year old, and a bird dog constantly hounding them I was a little worried, but they have done great!  They have grown so much this first week too!  They have changed from little balls of fluff to bigger balls of fluff with wings and a few tail feathers. 

Here is a picture of Jay with Cleo on his shoulder.  He was SO excited when she hopped up there!

Here are all 5 girls pecking at something (who knows what)

We have already had to put up some chicken wire around their pool to keep them from hopping out and running all over the place:

Can you see their little wing feathers!?

This is Red with her wings sort of flapped out:

Here is Red all nestled down in The Hubbs' hand:

Miss Cleo, is pretty curious, and is always on the lookout:

Flospy and Mopsy, we call them the twins.  They are SO hard to tell apart!  They are also almost inseparable.  And by that I mean that if we get one of them out without the other one..a lot of loud cheeping follows.  And the second we put them back together, all is well again.  Ha ha it is kind of cute! 

Blackie was one of the first to hop out of their kiddie pool and go exploring.  One morning I woke up to find her running all over the place.  She and Red always seem to get into trouble together!

   We have really been having a lot of fun with our Cheep Cheeps so far!  Jay loves to hold them and play with them, and honestly, so do The Hubbs and I.  The sweet little cheeping and chirping sounds are also a nice addition!  I wonder how much they'll grow this week!?

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