Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Journal Jar Tuesday #10

Welcome to the 10th Journal Jar Tuesday!  Ha ha I am excited that I have actually written 10 journal entries...I think it's the farthest I have ever gotten in journaling!  :0) 

Tell about a person in school who was mean or snobby.

Hmmm high school is one of those things that I think you should get some sort of badge just for surviving.  It is such a time of self discovery for you and everyone around you, which makes it pretty scary!  That said, my school experience was pretty great!  I had a lot of wonderful friends that were a blast to hang out with...and we all made mistakes and learned from them together. 
The only person that was ever really mean to me directly was someone that was kind of mean to everyone.  She had a little group of girls that she got along with...but I think they were just too scared to tell her how awful she really was. 
For the first few years of high school, we didn't cross paths too much, so she was easy to ignore.  But the summer before my junior year she and I both met the boy that is now "The Hubbs" for the first time.  She had a thing for him and flirted relentlessly with him, even after he and I were dating.  When she figured out that The Hubbs and I were dating, she took her anger out on me e.v.e.r.y. chance she got.  She made snide comments, and tried her very best to embarrass me, and I did my best to ignore her.  Ignoring her worked until she became my captain in an extracurricular activity...then it didn't work so well!  Ha ha she did her best to make my life sheer heck, and honestly, she was kind of successful.  I ran more laps that year for stupid things than I care to admit.  When we were practicing, she always picked me out to harp on and nit picked everything I did.  She is one of the biggest reasons that I decided not to do that particular activity my senior year!  I knew that The Hubbs and I were not going to stop dating anytime soon, and I just didn't want to have to deal with her drama!  
In all honesty, I didn't really even know her that well.  She seemed normal enough, relatively smart, and was actually a pretty girl.  I certainly don't have any hard feelings towards her, and I hope that life has treated her well.  She wasn't a bad person, she was just trying to figure out life...just like the rest of us!  Looking back, I am proud of the way I chose to deal with her.  It was a difficult decision for me at the time, because I was so tempted to be mean back or to do something the get even with her.  I always thought of the meanest things to say, but never said them.  Even then, I knew I wasn't that kind of person.  And If I had been mean to her, I know I would have regretted it!

Ha ha well....the secret is out!  The Hubbs and I have been dating since I was 15.  :0)  I was just as crazy about him then as I am now!  Maybe I'll tell you about how we met sometime!  If you have missed a previous journal entry, or would like to know what this whole Journal Jar Tuesday thing is all about, click on the Journal Jar Tuesday tab at the top of my blog.  So what about you?  What sort of scandalously mean people tormented you in school!?               

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