Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Fun!

I am sooo late in getting these pictures from Easter up... but things have been a little bit busy!  We had one of our big fundraisers for my ladies group at church last weekend.  Since I am the treasurer,  I was selling tickets to it all the way up until Thursday.  The event was a huge success, but it sure made for a hectic week.  :0)  Ha ha and I had the easy job, I think the ladies that planned everything need a mini vacation just to recuperate!  But I digress...

We had a wonderful Easter this year!  Jay woke up to a fun surprise Easter morning!  Then, we had a wonderful time at the church service that bought back happy memories of Easter three years ago, when Jay was baptized.  :0)  And after church we had family over to our house for a fun Easter lunch!  The Hubbs had literally just finished building our picnic table the day before, so we were all able to eat outside and really enjoy the weather! 

Jay hunted for 103 Easter eggs!  (The Easter Bunny may have gone a liiiiiitle overboard, but it was fun!)

That sneaky ole Easter Bunny hid a bunch of eggs by hanging them from things like the clothes line:

Ha ha and this is Jay noticing the eggs of the clothesline for the first time.  At the moment I snapped this picture, he was saying "What is this!?"

It's a good thing Papa came to the rescue!  he helped Jay figure out how to get the eggs down:

And Jay wasn't the only confused one!  A couple of the eggs, that just happened to look like baby chicks, were hidden in the chicken run, and Red was quite perplexed by them:

Jay had to climb up onto the picnic table to get this egg:

Instead of filling all of the eggs with candy, the Easter Bunny decided to fill about 2/3rds of them with change!  So after he hunted for the eggs, Jay got to sit down and "feed his piggy" which is one of his very favorite things to do!  He had one full piggy bank by the time he was done!  His Great Grannie helped him:

Papa's Big Catch:
Jay wasn't the only one that found something that day!  Papa was teaching Jay how to cast his new fishing pole when he accidentally tossed the line over one of the tree branches.  Papa could use the reel to raise and lower the line, which had a little rubber fish tied to the end of it.  Jay thought trying to catch it was just about the greatest game ever!  Here he is after he finally snagged the fish:

All in all, it was an excellent day!  We had a lot of fun, and Jay was definitely one tired little man by the time bed time rolled around that night!!  :0)

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