Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Years of Wedded Bliss!

Five years ago today, The Hubbs and I started our journey together as Mr. and Mrs! It just doesn't seem possible that it has really been five whole years. The Hubbs is and will always be my very best friend. It's corny, but absolutely true! :0) He is an amazing man, and my biggest blessing in life!  And I can honestly say that after five years of marriage, he still manages to make my heart flutter!  I am one lucky girl!!   

We are doing a couple of pretty special things to commemorate the anniversary of our big day, and I'll tell you all about them soon, but today, I just wanted to take a walk down memory lane for a bit!

Most little girls dream of huge church weddings, but when The Hubbs proposed, I wanted a small destination wedding, and HE wanted the big church wedding!  We compromised and got married at a cute little country church just down the road from where we met.  We looked at numerous churches, and when we walked into this one, it just fit.  And it was really perfect for us!   

The Hubbs with his mom, who is am pretty amazing woman!  She raised The Hubbs and his brother on her own!  She is a very strong person, a quality that I am very thankful she passed on to The Hubbs!  :0)

My Mom was my Matron of Honor, and will always be one of my very best friends.  She is amazing!  When I was little, we went to someone's wedding, and I asked her why the Bride's mother had to sit out in the crowd.  My mom explained how normal that was, and I promised her right then and there that when I got married, she would be right there beside me, and not sitting out in the crowd.  And she was! :0)

 This is our adorable flower girl Kaity, and my precious nephew and one of our ring bearers Patrick (isn't he the cutest!?  He is a big boy now, but I still think he is very handsome!)

Mr. Colby, The Hubbs' cousin was also our ring bearer.  Isn't he adorable too!?  He loved the ring pillow so much that he kept it for a while, in fact he might still have it!  He is still the sweetest, and Jay thinks he is absolutely awesome.  Every time there is a family get together, Jay wants to know if Colby will be there!   
(I am not sure why these pictures are so small, sorry!)
The Hubbs wanted to give me a gift before the ceremony, but he knew full well that I didn't want him to see me the ceremony (tee hee) so he had Colby bring it to me.  Ha ha and Colby took his job very seriously, it was precious! 

The gift was a beautiful diamond necklace that I still wear, only now I wear it with the cameo he gave me when I had Jay.   :0) 

The Girls:
My mom was my Matron of Honor, and two of my cousins Bekah and Robyn were my Bridesmaids.  My cousins are more like sisters to me than cousins.  They are both incredible women!  I am so glad that they were right there beside me for such an important day in my life! 

The Boys:
The Hubbs' Best Man was his younger brother, he's the one on the far right.  He did an excellent job, and gave a wonderful speech at our reception!  :0)  And I honestly could not ask for a better brother in law!  He and The Hubbs have really grown a lot closer over the years, and I am so thankful!  The other groomsmen are our good friends, Ivan and EG.  EG, we call Bubba, and he is seriously amazing!  I can tell you without a doubt, that if we're all still alive when we turn 80, we'll still be friends.  

Our Wedding Party:
Ha ha How I managed to convince all the boys to wear pink, I will never know!  But they all did, and I still think they are amazing for doing it!! 

My beautiful cousin Roxie played the piano for us.  She plays very well, and we were glad she could be such a big part of our special day!!  I grew up in total awe of her piano skills, so it meant a whole lot to me that she played for our wedding! 
(Ha ha now if only she lived close enough now to teach Jay how to play the piano!  :0) )

The Hubbs walked his Mom down the aisle and gave her a rose. 

My awesome cousin Reina pulled Patrick down the aisle in a wagon.  Ha ha now Jay plays with this wagon in our backyard!  And still had all the ribbons and bows on it.  :0) 

I still L.O.V.E my dress.  It has a fuchsia train, and it really shows my personality better than any solid white dress could ever do! 
My Uncle, that you see in the front row of the picture actually filmed all of the events the whole week leading up to our wedding, and our wedding day for us.  He even interviewed people.  Then after we got back from our honeymoon he gave it to us as a wedding gift!  It is amazing, and we will definitely be watching it today!  :0)
I thought I was going to be really nervous walking down the aisle and having to stand in front of all those people (I am not really a fan of big crowds, much less having to stand in front of them and talk!) but I wasn't nervous at all.  As soon as the doors opened, all I could see was The Hubbs!  I think I practically floated down the aisle to him.  Ha ha it was like tunnel vision or something!

We still get to see the sweet man that married us every Sunday at church, and I can't help but smile every time I see him.  :0)  His deep booming voice will be something I always remember! 

Husband and Wife!!

My Family:
I love pictures of our wedding, because it was one of the last times we were all together while my Grandma was living.  Seeing her there, and so happy, always makes me smile!  I know I am biased, but my family is really pretty incredible, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them! 

The Hubbs' Family:
These folks are pretty darn amazing too!  We were so happy that they could all be there for our special day!!

The Cake:
I loved our cake, and amazingly, the top layer was still good a year later, after being in our freezer!  Jason's Aunt Sarah did all the flowers for our wedding, including the ones on the cake.  And she did an absolutely amazing job!  Ha ha in fact that is the one thing I would change about our wedding...I would have let Aunt Sarah plan it all!  She has a true talent for that sort of thing, and I have never really been very good at it.  I keep telling her she should go into business planning weddings!  :0)

The Groom's Cake:
You can't see them very well from this angle, but there were little strawberries dressed like a bride and groom on top!  :0)  Chocolate cake with chocolate can't go wrong with that! 

Our reception was a sea of fuchsia, and I loved it!  We served BBQ from my family's favorite BBQ place.  I have eaten it literally my entire life, so it seemed fitting that we should have it at our wedding reception.  :0)


Our First Dance:

Our Bubble Filled Getaway:

Inside the Limo:
After our reception, we went to a suite at a hotel by the airport because we left the next morning (all too early) for Italy!  :0)  When we got to our room, we had champagne, and strawberries waiting for us.  Yummy!  It was a wonderful day,  and I can honestly say it was definitely the best day of my life!    

And then we spent two weeks here:
The Roman Forum

 The Pantheon:
 The Roman Coliseum
 The Duomo:
The Grand Canal

Saint Mark's Basilica

We were serenaded by this cute little Italian man:

The Rialto Bridge:

Italy was incredible too!  I can't wait to take Jay there some day!!  :0)

I seriously can't believe it has been 5 years since that day!  They have certainly been 5 incredible years, and I am still glad that The Hubbs and I will be together for Forever and A Day!  He truly is My Love, and I am so very thankful that five years ago, we stood before God and our loved ones to become husband and wife! 
Happy Anniversary My Love!!!! 

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