Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Boots

Jay finally outgrew his first pair of boots back before Christmas...and it's probably a good thing he did because they were getting pretty ragged looking.  I never guessed a little boy could be so hard on his shoes!!

We always take Jay to the same store that The Hubbs and his brother got their boots from growing up.  It's a Justin boot store, of course!  We are kind of partial to Justin boots because they are made in Justin, Texas, just a few blocks from the little country church The Hubbs and I were married in.  :0)  Anywho, we took a trip over to the boot store this weekend so that Jay could pick out a new pair of boots.  They had tons of them to choose from:

Aren't they cute!?  I would have had to try on about 20 pairs of them before settling on a pair had they been for me!  But Jay looked through a few pairs and picked the ones he wanted right off the bat.  They were the only ones he even tried on!
He wears a toddler size 10, crazy huh!?  What ever happened to his tiny baby feet??


Ha ha and he really loves them!!  He wouldn't even take them off so we could pay for The Hubbs had to lift him up onto the counter so we could show the cashier the tag.  Needless to say, Jay wore them out of the store.  Here he is clomping back and forth so we could make sure they were a good fit:

Here are Jay's new boots in all their glory:
He is already working hard to scuff them up and break them in...
I think they are pretty cute!  :0)  Is it just a Texan thing, or do your boys LOVE their boots as much as mine does!?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the boots, Lindsey! When we were in CO over Christmas, Jake found a pair of boots that he loved to wear around. If we lived in TX, I might buy him a pair! =]
