Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journal Jar Tuesday #6

Welcome to the 6th Journal Jar Tuesday!!  Are you new to Journal Jar Tuesdays?  Click on the Journal Jar Tuesdays tab at the top of my blog for more information!  I welcome anyone and everyone to join me on this journaling adventure!  Here is this week's prompt:

Name the personality trait you most admire and tell why.  Do you know many people with this trait?

I am not really sure what the appropriate term for this trait is, but I call it grace or graciousness.  So what do I mean by grace?  I mean the kind of unassuming person that makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable.  The kind of person that always seem to speak eloquently and thoughtfully, not the person that just blurts things out (aka ME).  Someone that can adapt to any given situation and handle it gracefully.  The kind of person that treats everyone, regardless of their social standing, with the same compassion and respect.  Some people may think that being a "graceful" person in these terms, makes you weak.  But I don't see it that way.  The people I have known that are truly gracious, are also strong and hold firm to their convictions.  And if you stop and think about it for a while, it really does take a strong person to stand behind their own beliefs while actively working to not judge other people because of theirs.

I have known quite a few people, mainly women, with this admirable trait.  My Grandma was one of them.  She truly loved people--all people.  Where others might look at a person and only see flaws, my Grandma looked past those flaws to find that person's strengths.  And then she worked to help that person see their own strengths.  She even had a way of "pairing" people up so that one could be strong where the other was weak.  But yet, she always stood firm, and never let anyone walk all over her.  My Grandma handled tough situations with a grace and style unmatched by anyone else I have ever met.  I really miss being able to go to her for advice!!  She could talk you through a situation and help you arrive at the best conclusion without ever actually telling you what to do--half the time you would never even realize what she was doing!  She was amazing!!

My Granddad is another person that I consider a truly graceful person, albeit a little different from the grace that my Grandma possessed.  My Granddad is an honest to goodness "small town southern man."  And his grace comes through more as a way of life than as an attitude towards people.  My Granddad grew up on a farm in Kansas.  His dad built the house my Granddad grew up in with his own two hands.  His folks worked hard for everything they ever had.  My Granddad has farmed, worked in mines, driven trucks, worked in nuclear power plants, and worked for the highway department.  He has worked hard every single day of his life for the things that he has, but he gives God the credit for all them.  He is as unassuming and humble as they come, but it doesn't make him weak.  He is one of the strongest men I will probably ever meet.  He is honestly more amazing than I could ever even begin to tell you about, but I can say, that if you ever want a humbling or life changing experience, have a serious conversation or two with my Granddad!  You might have to feed cows or work on a tractor while you talk, but you'll be thankful that you did!  And when you're done chances are my Grandmother will have one heck of a delicious meal whipped up for you!  While you eat, listen to some of her story, because she is equally as amazing as my Granddad!

While this sort of grace is not something that I seem to possess, I am blessed to be surrounded by numerous people that do.  Grandparents, Aunts, people at church, friends, and cousins just to name a few.  And I pray that I can raise Jay to be a truly "graceful" person!  I always find myself pushing him towards people like this, in the hope that their grace might rub off on him just a little bit!  :0)  So what about you...what trait do you admire the most?     

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