This week we will cover:
The letter 'W'
'W' is for Worm
The number 23
The color Purple
On and Off
Monday: The Letter 'W'
-color a
Letter 'W' coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch
this, and
-have your kiddo trace the Letter 'W' on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-make a set of Letter 'W' memory cards (one with a Letter 'W' on it, and the other with a picture of a Worm on it)
-go through the Letter 'W' section of
-make some Letter 'W' Wind art (Draw or print a large letter 'W' onto a piece of thick paper. Get several different colors of washable paint and put small blobs of paint in several different places on the paper. Use straws to create "wind" and blow the paint around the paper to make fun designs.)
-letter 'W' scavenger hunt (look around your house, yard, or neighborhood for things that begin with the letter 'W'. Things like water, watch, waste basket, window, windmill, wind up toy, etc.
Tuesday: 'W' is for Worm
-color a
Worm coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch
this, and
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-what are worms anyhow? Talk about worms using these
fun facts
-make a Worm Habitat picture (Boil a few spaghetti noodles, these will be your worms. Follow the directions on your pasta package to cook the pasta. While the noodles are cooking, have your kiddo use crayons, paint, or whatever they choose to draw their version of a worm habitat onto a piece of construction paper. When the habitat is finished and your pasta is cooked and cooled off enough to handle, arrange a spaghetti noodle or two on the picture and lay flat to dry. The spaghetti noodles will stick to the picture as they dry, and will make perfect worms for your habitat picture! While you are at it, you can always cook extra spaghetti noodles for lunch too.)
-play the Wiggle Worm game (like Simon Says, only your kiddo pretends to be a worm on the floor. SO you do things like wiggle your feet, roll over, wiggle your arms, etc)
Wednesday: Fun Day
-today Jay and I are going to eat dirt...and worms. Ha ha and No, I am not crazy! Check out this fun recipe that we're going to make:
-worm dig (If the weather is nice, grab a little shovel and pail and go dig for worms! If you are feeling especially adventurous, use those worms to go fishing! If the weather is not so nice, you can always stop by a bait shop and buy a carton of worms, but digging is way more fun.)
-museum (check your area to see if one of your local museums has any sort of an insect exhibit for kids. Or perhaps you can go check out a botanical garden.)
-whatever you do, be sure to have fun!!
Thursday: The Number 23
-color a
Number 23 coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch
-have your kiddo trace the Number 23 on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-worm rescue (cut out 23 worm shapes from different colors of construction paper. Put a paperclip on each worm and put the worms into a box, bowl, or plastic tub. Tie a magnet to a piece of string and tie the other end of the string to a pencil or stick to make a fishing pole. Fish the worms out of the container with the fishing pole and count them as you go!)
Friday: Ovals
-color an
Oval coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-talk about ovals. How are they different from circles?
-make an oval wreath (cut the middle out of a paper plate. Cut different colored ovals out of construction paper. Glue the ovals to the paper plate. Decorate with stickers, glitter, or whatever you desire. Hang your wreath! If you use pastel colored construction paper for your ovals, it will work as an Easter decoration in a few weeks too!)
Thank you for learning the letter 'W' with us!! If you have missed a previous week, you can find it by clicking on the ABC Lessons tab at the top of my blog, and be sure to join us next week for 'X' is for Xylophone!