Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Cheep-A-Deeps at 4 Weeks

Around here, everything seems to have a nickname (or 5!)  Our darling doggy, Dutchess, is also called The Brown Wonder, Brown Dog, Minky Moo (don't ask me where that one came from, ha ha because I have no idea!), Boos, Boo Bear, and Dutchee.  Fancy Bunny goes by Fancy, Buns, Fanciful, Fancers, and Bun Bun.  Why do we have so many pet names for our pets!?  Who knows!  But the chickens are no exception.  We call them The Girls, Cheepers, Cheepies, Chickies, and Cheep-A-Deeps.  :0)  And I for one, am thankful that they are finally getting past the in between fuzzy chick and feathered bird stage!  It has been so much fun to watch their feathers come in, and to see the beautiful markings starting to come through!  Here are some pictures of The Girls (and Fred Duck):

She is starting to get some really pretty striations in her feathers!  Ha ha and at this point, I am fairly confident that she will be the leader of our gang of chickens.  

Miss Red is still pretty friendly.  She will still sit up on my shoulder without flying off like the other girls do!  This week, her combs have really started to come in. 

Cleo has the majority of her big girl feathers in at this point!  I love the dark around her eyes!  I am super excited to see what color eggs she will lay! 

The Twins:
Flopsy and Mopsy and really grown too, but they still have some baby fuzz on their heads.  I know you can't see Flopsy's head in this picture, but it was neat to see Mopsy's wing spread out.  :0)

Fred is one cute little guy!!  Ha ha every time I see him, Flight of the Bumblebee starts playing in my head.  He flaps his little wings, and shakes his little tail.  It is pretty hilarious!!     
 He even survived church this week.  I took him up for the kids in my pre-k class to see on Wednesday.  :0)  They were SO excited, and Fred did pretty well too! 
We are still working on the run for their coop, but we're almost done!  WooHoo!  So hopefully I will be able to put up some pictures of that soon.  The coop itself is still sitting on my Granddad's land.  He has been sick, poor guy!  But hopefully we'll get that and be able to finish it up soon too.  :0)


  1. They are getting so big! I can't wait to see how you get everything set up. When will they start laying eggs??

  2. I know, they have really grown fast! We are still working on their run, the weather has not been very cooperative at all. Hoprfully we will get it finished soon though! It is finished enough for them to play in, so that is at least some progress. :0) They won't start laying eggs until they are around 16 weeks old, but I can hardly wait! I will put up pictures of them for sure!!
