Sunday, March 6, 2011

'X' is For Xylaphone

Whew, I think we are all finally over the flu now--thank goodness!  Poor Jay took it the hardest, and was literally sick for over two weeks.  Ugh!  So we are more than ready to get back to our normal routine!!  So let's get out our Xylophones and get ready to learn the letter 'X'! 

This week we will cover:
The letter 'X'
'X' is for Xylophone
The number 24
The color Purple
On and Off

Monday: The Letter 'X'
-color a Letter 'X' coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, this, this, and this
-have your kiddo trace the Letter 'X' on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-make a set of Letter 'X' memory cards (one with a Letter 'X' on it, and the other with a picture of a Xylophone on it)
-go through the Letter 'X' section of Starfall
-work this fun online X-Ray puzzle
-Painted 'X' (put painter's tape onto a piece of white paper in the shape of an 'X' and then let your kiddo paint the paper.  When the paint is dry, take the painter's take off and reveal the white letter 'X' left on the paper)
-'X' marks the spot (draw a very simple map for your kiddo of a place they are familiar with, like your yard or living room.  Hide a prize somewhere in the area you mapped out, and draw a Purple 'X' in the corresponding spot on the map.  Then have your kiddo go on a treasure hunt to find their prize!  The prize can be a piece of candy, a new book, or anything you feel like using.)
-play a good old fashioned game of Tic Tac Toe

Tuesday: 'X' is for Xylophone
-color a Xylophone coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this and this
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-print and put together a Xylophone (Print Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3)
-play Xylophone Musical Chairs (play musical chairs, but use a Xylophone for the music)

Wednesday:  Music Fun Day
 -find a fun museum or local restaurant where you and your kiddo can go to enjoy some live music together.  -or take your iPod to the park and listen to music while you have a picnic. 
Whatever you do today, just have fun!!

Thursday: The Number 24
-color a Number 24 coloring page
-while you are coloring, watch this, and this
-have your kiddo trace the Number 24 on their coloring page with their finger
-glue your coloring page to a piece of Purple construction paper and hang it on the wall
-24 footsteps (draw a line with sidewalk chalk on your driveway or sidewalk. Start on the line and take 24 steps. Draw another line where you ended. You can even use different colors for different people to see who takes the biggest or smallest steps!)

-make a bunch of grapes (cut out 24 different sized circles from purple construction paper. Use glue to turn them into a grape bunch!)
Friday:  The Color Purple
-watch this
-put some red paint and some blue paint into a clear Ziploc bag.  Then have your kiddo squish all the paint around to mix the colors.  Paint a pretty picture using your new purple paint. 
-eat a purple snack (use things like grape juice, grapes, grape jelly, olives, purple potatoes, eggplant, yogurt etc)
-make Kool-Aid art (sprinkle some grape Kool-Aid powder onto a piece of white paper.  Use a spray bottle to lightly spray the powder.  When it dries you will have some pretty interesting artwork--and it will smell yummy too!)
-Use food coloring to make red and blue ice cubes.  Add them to a glass of water to see what color the ater turns!  (you need to use quite a bit of food coloring in the ice cubes for the water to turn a bright Purple)

Thank you for learning the letter 'X' with us!!  If you have missed a previous week, you can find it by clicking on the ABC Lesson Plans tab at the top of my blog.  And I hope you will join us next week for 'Y' is for YoYo!

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