Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Journal Jar Tuesday #5

Hello, and welcome to the fifth Journal Jar Tuesday!  If you have missed what this is all about, or would like to read more journal jar entries, you can find them under the Journal Jar Tuesdays tab at the top of my blog.    Today's question is:

What are the things you admire most about your mother and father?

I am very blessed to have pretty fantastic parents!!  My childhood was wonderful!  I grew up in a home filled with love, encouragement, and support.  If my parents couldn't help me do something, they found someone that could.  I am an only child, but they made sure that I spent lots of time with my cousins so that I could learn how to be part of a larger family.  Because of this, I am closer to my cousins that most people will ever be, and I am truly grateful!  My parents worked hard to keep me safe while still allowing me to be myself and to make my own decisions...even when they knew that I was making a wrong one.  And when I did make a wrong choice, they were there to help me learn from it, pick up the pieces, and to move on.  My parents also made sure that we spent time together as a family.  My childhood was full of traditions like game night, family vacations, movie nights.  We turned everything off and actually sat at the dinner table every night to eat dinner.  Our meals were full of laughter and good conversation.  We talked about our days, current events, and even politics.  I am so thankful for that time, and for the bond that we all share because of it!  

My mom, is an incredibly talented woman!  My mom is an excellent cook, and I was the lucky kid that came home from school to freshly baked cookies or home made bread.  She always worked to make things special.  Our house was decorated for every holiday, and I'm not talking about a few decorations here and there, I'm talking decorations in every room so that the whole house felt festive!  From the decorations to the music, and even scented candles, she had it covered.  Even the smallest holiday was a true celebration with her around!  As a child, my mom always looked for the bright side or the silver lining in every situation.  I know that my family went through some hard times, but as a child I usually was blissfully unaware of them.  When I was aware of them, my mom worked very hard to help me find the silver lining, and to help me muddle my way through them.  My mom is also wonderfully crafty!  She always had some sort of fun craft activity for us to try.  We sewed, we painted, we worked with clay, you name it, we have probably tried it, and even if we weren't very good at something, we always had fun trying it out!  My mom's favorite craft is cross stitching, and she is exceptionally talented at it!!  She makes everything from pictures to dish towels, and each piece is beautiful.  Ha ha I wish it was something I was better at!  She taught me how to cross stitch, and I can do it, but my mom is truly great at it!  My mom is also a very strong woman.  The way she responds to her own health problems and to any crisis is admirable!  She stands firm in any situation and works to get through it the best way possible.  I have watched her handle countless situations with a grace and strength that are beyond description.  My mom is a blessing in my life, but most importantly, she is a wonderful friend!  

My Daddy is also an incredible man!  (And even when I am 100 years old, I will still call him my Daddy.)  He is one of the most intelligent people I know.  I still call him whenever I need help with something, which is frequently.  He generally knows what to do, and when he doesn't it sure doesn't take him long to find out.  I love to talk to him about anything and everything, because he is not just smart, he is an excellent story teller!  When I was little, I loved to listen to him read me stories.  When I got sick, he would sit in my room and read for hours, and I loved it!  He makes history more interesting that any teacher I have ever had!  And he has this uncanny ability to truly see both sides of the picture.  He comes by it honestly, because my Grandma was the same way, and it is such an admirable quality!  My daddy is a very strong man, but he still has a softer more sentimental side.  He never forgets a birthday or anniversary, and works hard to find my my mom and I thoughtful gifts.  He's the kind of Daddy that digs through the attic to find a Wuzzle tent from my childhood and then sneaks over to our house on Christmas eve to put it up for me.  As a little girl, when I got sick, he was the one that got up with me and made sure I was OK.  I know that good or bad, no matter what I have done, my Daddy will always be there for me.  When I'm sad he gives me a hug and offers me ice cream.  When I have morning sickness and can't stand the taste of mint toothpaste, he manages to find some orange flavored toothpaste I can use.  My Daddy is wonderful and amazing, and I am so thankful to have him! 

My parents are both pretty darn amazing, and despite their quirks, I wouldn't change a single thing about them!  I am so thankful for them, for the childhood they gave me, and for the friendship and support they continue to give me!!           

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