Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Journal Jar

Have you guys ever heard of a Journal Jar!?  Ha ha I am probably hopelessly behind the times, as usual, but I had not heard of them until my cousin mentioned them several months ago.  A journal jar is a jar, or container of any kind, filled with questions or prompts for you to journal about.  Normally I have a very hard time journaling because I never know what to write, and when I do write something it just sounds silly to me.  So my sweet cousin, knowing me well enough to know I would never make one for myself, made me my very own journal jar for Christmas!!  All the little prompts and questions are printed out on colorful pieces of paper:

Aren't they pretty!? 

And she wrote out instructions for the top too:

I also love that the jar is made of plastic, because well, Jay is ALL boy after all...

And the questions and prompts really cover a wide range of topics.  Here are a few examples:

What are 5 places you would like to visit?

Tell about a time you feel Gad answered your prayer.

Tell a story your mother told you from her past.

 I know that I can easily answer those questions, and I won't feel silly doing it!  And I think that this will be a lot more interesting for my grand kids to read about than me rambling on about cleaning the house, gardening, or doing laundry...

I just love this idea, and think it is something that is definitely worth sharing!  So, once a week, probably on Tuesday, I will post one of the questions or prompts from the journal jar along with my response to it.  You can read what I have to say if you would like, but more importantly you can use the prompt or question for your own journaling purposes!  Wouldn't it be great to be able to hand down this information to your kids and grand kids someday!  I sure wish that my Grandma had kept something like this!! 

I am really thrilled to be able to share this with you guys!  Keep an eye out for my first journal entry this Tuesday, and I hope that you will join me by keeping your own journal of responses!     

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